Wellness Room 148/149 is located on the 1st floor of the Student Wellness Center.
The rental fee for Wellness 148/149 is $125.00; however the rental fee is waived for Registered Student Organizations. If you wish to change the setup of the room from the standard setup, there are additional fees to set-up and strike this space. These fees are not subsidized resulting in a charge to your fund code.
The rental fee for Wellness 148/149 is $125.00. If you wish to change the setup of the room from the standard setup, there are additional fees.m
External groups are not permitted to reserve this space.
Room Setup Options
The standard setup for the room is an empty room. You are welcome to setup the room how you wish using the existing furniture. There is a storage closet that contains the following:
- 75 Chairs
- 15 Rectangle Tables
All tables and chairs must be put away at the conclusion of your event.
The fire capacity for the room is 120 people.
If you require our assistance setting up the room for you, there will be additional charges. This must be submitted, approved by CES, and finalized at least 2 weeks prior to your event. The final charges will be based on how long it takes to setup/strike as well as the amount of additional equipment.
Please reach out to eventservices@duke.edu if you have any questions.
Room Information
To reserve the Wellness 148/149 room, please email Sophie Roth at sophie.roth@duke.edu.
All food & beverage served in this space must come from an approved Duke Vendor. For a full list of approved caterers, please use the Catering@Duke tab above.
Wellness 148/149 is equipped with LCD Projector, house sound, and lectern. Clients must provide their own computer. The room has adaptor cables (HDMI, Mac, VGA).
If your event requires additional A/V equipment or if you would like to have a technician on-site to assist with your event, please contact Tech Services at techsvcs@duke.edu at least 2 weeks prior to your event.
For a full list of event policies, please reach out to Conference & Event Services. Here is a list of our main policies:
- Caterers must come from an approved Duke Vendor.
- If your event has catering, all tables must be covered.
- If your event has alcohol, it must be served by an approved alcohol vendor. Please reach out to Catering@Duke.edu for a full list of approved alcohol vendors.
- No open flames.
- No hanging decorations on the walls. Decorations (including signs) can only be hung on the windows with 3M command hooks. Command hooks and adhesives must be removed post-event. Groups will be charged for the cleaning and removal of command hooks if they are left behind.
- Glitter, bird seed, and feathers are not allowed in event Spaces.